Our Team

Bruce Amiot

VP of Research and Product Development

Bruce Amiot has over 30 years of experience in biomedical engineering and leading product development in executive roles. With comprehensive experience in medical product, bio-technical, and tissue engineering, Bruce owns multiple patents for the bioartificial liver and high-density cell culture instruments

Anna Argo

Chief Business Officer

Anna Argo is responsible for key account management, identification of collaborators, contract negotiations, investor relations, brand development, and more. Ms. Argo spent 10 years in non-profit development, most recently at Children’s Minnesota.

Benazir Kerezoudis

Project Manager

Benazir Kerezoudis is is responsible for supporting Business Development activities, leading projects from initial brainstorming through implementation, and supporting the Company’s regulatory needs through quality systems and management.

Ryan Schulze

Chief Scientific Officer

Ryan Schulze is a cell biologist with 20 years of experience in biochemical techniques. Dr. Schulze received his Ph.D. from the University of Kansas Medical Center and was most recently an Assistant Professor at the Mayo Clinic, studying the cell biology of hepatocytes in fatty liver disease.

John Swart


John R. Swart, Ph.D. previously served as President and CEO of Exemplar Genetics. Dr. Swart has over 25 years of experience in the biomedical research industry with a focus on business development and operations management.